You can start forming teams now. Please refer to our FAQ page for detailed information about ESO. You many also send questions to

The 2025 Bay Area Elementary Regional Science Olympiad Events are:

  • EntomologyStudents will be asked to identify insects and selected immature insects by order and family, answer questions about insects, and use or construct a dichotomous key
  • Metric MasteryTeams estimate and measure properties of objects including mass, area, volume, distance, and time
  • Mousetrap CarTeams design, build, and test a vehicle that uses a single mousetrap as its sole means of propulsion to reach a target point as accurately as possible
  • Pasta TowerUsing only the materials given, build the tallest tower that can support an unknown mass in a cup
  • Solar SystemTeams will demonstrate understanding and knowledge of planet formation and structures in our solar system
  • TeamworkThe whole team participates in a team science and activity relay race
  • Write It Do ItOne participant will write a description of an object and how to build it. The other participant will attempt to construct the object from this description.


Congratulations to all the 2024 ESO Teams!

Email us at! Check out the ESO FAQs.


Congratulations to all the participants at our first 2023 Bay Area Regional Elementary Science Olympiad!

BARESO Committee
This in-person 3-day summer camp was produced by the high school SciOly club officers and team captains. They also supervised and taught all the sessions.


Please Join the Mailing List if you’re interested in Castro Valley Elementary Science Olympiad programs!
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 Or you could email us at!


2020-21 Elementary Virtual Summer Camp

CVHS Science Olympiad Club spearheaded CV’s first virtual summer STEAM camp for the CV Elementary School students.    Below are the CVHS STEAM TEAM campers, the CVHS Event Supervisors and the events they taught. 
“Dylan had loads of fun and was very engaged. Thank you for organizing such a great event and patiently explaining to the kids.”
“Brandon loved it and said he would do it again. He liked that he had all the materials and was able to follow along. Organizers were very prepared and spoke very well. They took time to explain and also keep the kids engaged.”
“Naina loved it a lot. And kudos to the CVHS student teachers, the events were presented well and interesting to kids. And thank you to the head coaches. Wish this was longer 🙂.”
“Miles enjoyed both Gummie Bear Osmosis and Density Towers activities. “It was great!””


2019 CVESO (Castro Valley Elementary Science Olympiad)

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2018 CVESO (Castro Valley Elementary Science Olympiad)




We are independent program run by parents and not affiliated with the Castro Valley Unified School District.